LISC received new funding from the Raymond Corporation for the project “Real-time Mixed Human-Robot Teaming using Digital Twins.” The project aims to use extended reality technology to provide innovative solutions to supply chain, logistics, and material handling industries. Read the full news here!
Silvia Ferrari at Safer Internet Day 2024
LISC director Prof. Silvia Ferrari attended the Safer Internet Day 2024 in Rome, Italy from Feb. 5 – Feb. 6, 2024. During the event, experts from academia, institutes, and companies discussed the future challenges related to AI and its impact on children and young people. Prof. Silvia Ferrari gave a talk on the panel on Artificial Intelligence in the World: The Opportunities and Challenges. Follow the event using this link here!
Interview on LISC Developed Algorithms for Predicting Sports Teams’ Moves
LISC members Junyi Dong, Qingze Huo, Frank Kim, and Prof. Silvia Ferrari were recently interviewed for their work on developing algorithms to predict the in-game actions of volleyball players and for their current collaboration with the Big Red hockey team to expand the research project’s applications. Read the full Cornell Chronicle article and watch the accompanying Youtube video here!
Silvia Ferrari Appointed as Associate Dean for Cross-Campus Engineering Research
Congratulations to LISC Director Prof. Silvia Ferrari for her recently announced position as the inaugural Associate Dean for Cross-Campus Engineering Research at Cornell University and Cornell Tech! This newly created role is designed to develop impactful initiatives and cross-campus research partnerships leading to research centers of excellence spanning the Ithaca and New York campuses, with priority in research areas such as autonomy, robotics, urban technology, and neuroscience. Read more about her new administrative role in the Cornell Chronicle article here!
AMbiENtE Workshop at Cornell Tech
This summer, LISC director Prof. Silvia Ferrari co-organized the Autonomy and Mobility in Engineered and Natural Environments (AMbiENtE) Workshop hosted at Cornell Tech. Three distinguished speakers, John Albertson (Cornell), Anna Scaglione (Cornell Tech), and Carlo Ratti (MIT), delivered keynote talks on topics ranging from urban air quality and heat islands to smart cities and urban technologies, and electric power systems and information networks. LISC and its members contributed to and presented a total of eight posters from our various ongoing research projects during the event as well. Read the full Cornell Chronicle news article here!
New article published in IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
This paper presents a novel informative multiview planning (IMVP) method that simultaneously determines the most informative sequence of views and the shortest path between them for robust and efficient underwater target classification. Read the full article here!
Chang Liu started his faculty career at Peking University
LISC alumni Chang Liu (Postdoctoral Associate 20′) has joined the faculty of the Department of Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics at Peking University. His research interests include control and decision making for autonomous systems, multi-robot coordination, and intent-based human-robot interaction. Find more information about his new faculty position here!
Jane Shin started her faculty career at the University of Florida
LISC alumni Jane (Jae Jeong) Shin (Ph.D. 21′) has joined the faculty of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida. Her new research program focuses on the development of design and control methodologies for autonomous robotic systems equipped with sensors. Find more information about her new faculty position here!
IEEE TCNS Special Issue on Control of VLSR Networks now in press
Our Special Issue on Control of Very-large Scale Robotic (VLSR) Networks is now available in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (TCNS). Read all of the special issue articles here!
Andre Paradise recognized as Colman Fellow and Sloan Scholar
LISC member Andre Paradise has recently been awarded the Cornell Engineering Colman Fellowship by the Diversity Programs in Engineering (DPE) Office. Through nomination from the director and faculty of DPE, Andre is also recognized as a Sloan Scholar by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s University Centers for Exemplary Mentoring (UCEMs). Find more information about the scholarship program here!