NSF ATD-1738010
September 1, 2017 – October 31, 2020 $400,000
Aerospace Division of Mathematical Sciences, Algorithm for Threat Detection (ATD) Program
A. Vladimirsky
S. Ferrari
Project Description
This project seeks to use tools from optimal control theory to design efficient methods for two such models:
- Civilians in dangerous environments (e.g., war zones) will primarily plan their paths to minimize the threat exposure.
- Adversaries aware of the existing monitoring measures will plan their paths to evade the observation.
Research Goals
- The forward problem: How will people plan their paths given the full information about the environment?
- The inverse problem: Given sparse information about their route choices or travel times, how can we infer beliefs about the environment?
- The adversarial problem: What should people do to optimize their cost under uncertainty about the location of threats or observers? How might the environment change in response to their choice?
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- J. Morelli, P. Zhu, B. Doerr, R. Linares, S. Ferrari “Integrated Gas Distribution Mapping and Path Planning for Very Large-Scale Robotic (VLSR) Systems,” Sensors, submitted.
- J. Morelli, P. Zhu, B. Doerr, R. Linares, S. Ferrari “Integrated Mapping and Path Planning for Very Large-Scale Robotic (VLSR) Systems,” ICRA, submitted.
- B. Doerr, R. Linares, P. Zhu, S. Ferrari “Random Finite Set Theory and Optimal Control for Large Spacecraft Systems”, AIAA.
- “Time-dependent Surveillance-evasion Games,” Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), Cornell, July 25, 2018. [PDF]